2wd & 4wd vacuum excavators

Our Equipment includes a fleet of vacuum excavators ranging from compact 2WD, for those tight, congested spots, to high clearance 2WD & 4WD trucks for the difficult off road jobs.

Our purpose-built Vacuum Excavators are designed and manufactured in Australia to excavate Aussie ground with ease. On the back of our trucks we have 3,500L vacuum tanks to vacuum up slurry, leaving excavation work clear and clear.

We excavate at Telstra and Ergon Energy approved safe working pressures of 2000psi, and are at least 2 times faster and more efficient. All have 3-4m3 vacuum tank capacities, carry 2 500L of potable water and are fitted with jetting systems for pipe and drain cleaning.

As we continue to evolve and work towards offering a one stop shop for all your job requirements our list of equipment will continue to expand.

all of our trucks:


our plant & equipment

While our business is vacuum excavation we also offer additional services to assist you in organising your job with one phone call.

vacuum excavators

cctv van

tipper truck

For backfill and re-instatement.

plant equipment



Australian Map

areas we service: